Reg Gibson (50 Years) and Matt Howlin (40 Years) reach legal professional admission milestones

This year Reg Gibson celebrates 50 years of legal practice and Matt Howlin celebrates 40 years of legal practice

This year, our two longest serving solicitors and founders of the current firm Reg Gibson and Matt Howlin, celebrated significant milestones as lawyers.

Reg celebrated 50 years of legal practice, having been admitted to the roll of solicitors in NSW on 1969. 

Reg has worked with local families through multiple generations, advising on property transactions and estate matters. So many of those longstanding clients now send their children and grandchildren to Reg for advice and legal support.

He is a testament to this firm and one of the most well respected and regarded lawyers in the Sutherland Shire. 

We are incredibly proud of his achievement, and grateful for all his hard work in building this firm’s reputation to what it is today. We hope he never retires. 

Matt Howlin celebrated 40 years of legal practice, having been admitted to the Roll of solicitors in 1979 and conducting the Litigation and Commercial side of the firm for decades.

Reg and Matt were together in partnership for twenty one years. They are now still with our firm, a constant reminder of stability.

With a team of five other lawyers, two licensed conveyancers and our wonderful support staff, Gibson Howlin Lawyers continues to look to the future.

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The Chambers

51 Croydon Street

Cronulla NSW 2230

t (02) 9523 6111

f (02) 9523 0785

PO Box 61 Cronulla 2230
