Dispute Resolution

The Australian Legal System embraces what is commonly known as Alternative Dispute Resolution. The risks and costs of contested litigation, particularly in the Superior Courts, imposes on most competent Lawyers an obligation to attempt resolution of disputes at the earliest and most cost effective opportunity.

All of our Lawyers are well experienced in dealing with:

  • Mediation technique;
  • Arbitration;
  • Conciliation;
  • Negotiated Settlement of ongoing Litigation.

The ability to understand the factual and legal issues in any dispute, including disputes in Estates, is an important part of any Lawyer’s role. The Partners and Senior Lawyers in our Firm have exhibited, for many years, the ability to resolve disputes on acceptable personal and commercial terms, without exposing our Clients to ongoing risks. It is crucially important that any potential dispute be reviewed by your Lawyer at the earliest possible time.

If our Clients find themselves in a family, business or other dispute, Gibson Howlin Lawyers has the skills and ability to negotiate an acceptable resolution. For instance, the rights of certain persons in a Deceased Estate can be protected without unnecessarily destroying the family relationship but if, and only if, disputes of that nature are handled by a competent and experienced Lawyer. We look forward to any enquiries that you may have in relation to matters requiring Dispute Resolution.

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The Chambers

51 Croydon Street

Cronulla NSW 2230


t (02) 9523 6111

f (02) 9523 0785

PO Box 61 Cronulla 2230
