The Cronulla Surf Club Golf Day

Our Firm, together with Baden Green & Associates, have had many years of co-sponsorship. Cronulla Surf Club can anticipate donations from the day of up to $20,000, raised by all of the sponsors.

Reg Gibson, Matt Howlin and Jodie Jamieson were honoured by the President, Rob Short on behalf of the Club, presenting a framed photograph of the John Hollingdale-Gibson Howlin Lawyers Surf Boat. The Boat has competed in state and national titles with distinction. A photo of the presentation is below. We will advise the date for the 2014 Golf Day during the year.

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The Chambers

51 Croydon Street

Cronulla NSW 2230

t (02) 9523 6111

f (02) 9523 0785

PO Box 61 Cronulla 2230
